7 Tips to Help Keep an Airline from Losing Your Luggage

luggage everywhere

Okay, so, let's talk luggage, shall we? Now, don't get me wrong, I am a firm believer in the art of traveling with just a carry-on. It's like a superpower, I swear! But hey, I get it – we all have different travel styles. Some of you out there might be going on long vacations or specialty trips with all kinds of gear, and hey, I've been there too!

But here's the deal: We don't want your luggage playing hide-and-seek with the airline, right? Nope! So, I've got your back, and we've got some great tips to help keep your checked bags right where they belong – with you!

First things first, let's agree – never, ever check anything you absolutely can't live without. Your car keys, glasses, or life-saving medicine? Keep those babies close! Oh, and as much as you love your fabulous jewelry collection, leave the crown jewels at home to avoid potential heartbreak.

Now, let's dive into these seven tips that will make sure your luggage stays right on track with you. Say goodbye to luggage misadventures and hello to stress-free travels!

luggage mess

Prep your bag in advance

Alright, we all know the excitement of heading to the airport, ready to go on our next adventure. But hold up! Before you rush off, let's talk luggage prep – because ain't nobody got time for luggage mishaps!

First things first, give your suitcase a little makeover – peel off all those old destination tags and barcode stickers from your previous trips. This will just confuse the airline employees.

Now, let's get personal – add some flair to your bag by tagging it with your name and contact deets. Stick a baggage tag on the outside (you know, just in case), and hey, why not slide another one inside for some extra backup? We like to put our name and email address, not our address. Too many crazy creepers out there in the world, nowadays.

Terry takes this tip one step further. He puts his business card in his luggage, so his bag can introduce itself just in case it decides to go on an unplanned solo adventure.

Oh, and pro tip alert! Take a snapshot of your suitcase's insides and outside before you bid it farewell. It's like a luggage portrait for identification purposes – trust me, you'll thank me later.

Get to the airport early

Generally, most airlines give you a 30-minute window before takeoff to check your luggage. But here's the deal – don't play a game of "Beat the Clock" with your suitcase! Airlines love to take off a tad early if they can. And guess what? If your bag isn’t on the plane, they will not wait for it.

Instead, arrive early, breeze through check-in, and give yourself some stress-free buffer time.

But don't check your bag too early

Let's clarify something real quick. For those international flights, stick to the airlines' three-hour-before-departure recommendation – it's the safe bet.

We're talking about a different scenario – picture this, you're at the airport four to six hours before your flight. Now, that's when things can get a bit tricky. One…why are you at the airport that early? And two…checking your bag super early might cause it to end up in some holding area instead of heading straight to your flight's turf.

So, let's keep this in mind – stick to the recommended time frame for international flights, and avoid those unintended luggage pit stops by checking in closer to departure time.

luggage checkin

Keep an eye on the printer

Before you bid farewell to your beloved suitcase, take a good look at those printed tags. We want everything to be spot-on – the right airport and code, your name spelled to perfection, your frequent flyer number, and a barcode that's as clear as day.

And hey, if you're part of the elite club and rocking those priority tags, don't forget to flaunt that status! Make sure those special tags are snuggled up with your bags, because you deserve the VIP treatment all the way.

Watch your bag go on its way

Okay, here's a pro tip that'll save you from any luggage dramas – don't just tag and dash! Once you've double-checked those tags and confirmed that the agent got everything right, hold your horses for a moment longer.

Stay put and keep your eyes peeled! Watch like a hawk to make sure your luggage finds its way onto that conveyor belt or gets safely added to the checked bag cart.

Oh, and listen up curbside check-in enthusiasts – this applies to you too! Whether you're inside the terminal or at the curb, be a luggage guardian and ensure your bags are on their way to adventure.

Add an electronic tag and follow on the app

Let's talk tech, 'cause it's time to level up our luggage game with some nifty gadgets! Say hello to Apple AirTags and other cool luggage trackers that'll have you feeling like a luggage detective.

First up, the star of the show – Apple AirTags. These nifty little wonders use Bluetooth magic to help you keep tabs on your suitcase. No more playing hide-and-seek with your luggage – you'll know exactly where it is!

But wait, there's more! Check out LugLoc and Trakdot – they're other awesome luggage trackers on the market. Each has its unique style, but the goal remains the same: keeping you connected to your bag through Bluetooth or GSM tracking on your phone.

And here's a bonus move – download your airline's app! Most major airlines now offer digital luggage receipts and bag tracking within their apps. So, you'll have all the info you need right at your fingertips.

Keep your receipts

Okay, we've got one last tip for you. When the agent hands you those precious baggage receipts, hold onto them like gold! They're your lifeline in case anything goes off track.

Here's the deal: If the unexpected happens and your luggage decides to take an unplanned detour, those receipts are your proof – your golden ticket! They'll come to the rescue if you need to claim compensation from the airline for any hiccups along the way.

We had to deal with this firsthand on our first trip to Rome. My luggage somehow missed the plane and the airline rerouted it to Rome via Heathrow. We had no idea till my luggage was not on the carousel in Rome. I gave my luggage receipt to the agent at the service counter and she said my luggage took a detour. Had I not had my receipt, she said they would have not been able to tell me!

So, keep those receipts safe and sound, like the travel treasure they are. With them in hand, you've got the power to tackle any luggage mishap that comes your way.


3 things to do if your flight is delayed


Tips to Help You Travel Better, part 2